Friday, August 30, 2013

Walk With Me - Walking Challenge

Join Fun Fitness GirlTrek Walking Team!

Our communities are facing a health crisis.

Simply put we are dying faster and at higher rates…diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

GirlTrek, a national health movement, is starting a walking revolution by challenging us to walk 5 days a week, 30 minutes a day, during their walking challenge.

I’ve already taken the challenge!

Together we can hit the pavement, get healthy and kick some butt in this national health challenge! Oohh – weee!!!

So grab your sneakers ladies and in the legendary words of Martin - Lawrence, not King - let's "get ta steppin!"
September is just around the corner! It is the perfect time to start a "30 day Jumpstart Walking Challenge." This challenge is a simple, fun way to get up and get moving! Each woman who completes the challenge will be awarded a pair of golden shoelaces!

Steps to get started:
1. Sign up with my team, Fun Fitness, on GirlTrek
2. Log your walks. At GirlTrek, we say "Less Talk. More Walk!" To keep track of your walks and see how others are doing.
3. I am here for support! Meet me weekly for walks. I will provide weekly schedules where you can join the walking team.
4. GirlTrek gear. The best thing about GirlTrek is that it's free. Anyone can walk with us, anywhere. We do recommend that you invest in a good pair of walking shoes eventually. But don't let that stop you now. If you want to be super cute, you can represent in "super-hero blue". Go tro the GirlTrek Store here:
5. Spread the word. Please take time to tweet, post and instagram your success and inspiration using #GirlTrek. Tell your girlfriends, daughters and mamas. Share at the beauty shop, in your church bulletin board, or in your sorority house. We are depending on sistas like you. Tweet it. Holler it. Act now!

Together we can do this!

Fit Mom Challenge

Fit Mom Challenge
1. Commit to working out 5x a week.  Be creative with your fitness workouts! Change "onefer" activities into "twofers". 
(1) Plank while putting up toys. 
(2) Lunge while vacuuming 
(3) Squat to see how dinner is going. 
(4) Oven door calf raise. 
(5) Kitchen sink push-up. 
(6) Couch Tricep Dips
2. Commit to clean eating.
3. Have Fun!

Walking Challenge - Get Moving!

Get Moving!  Try to walk at least 3 days per week
Warm Up: Easy Walking pace. Go slow & easy to get your muscles and joints warmed up
Brisk Walk: Increase pace a little bit. You should be comfortable, not our of breath, able to carry on a conversation.
Cool Down: Go slow and easy to lower your rate

Fit Family Challenge

Parents play a key role in making healthy choices for their families and teaching children to make healthy choice for themselves.  Try these tips to get your family active
  • Hop on your bikes and hit the road!  You can start with short neighborhood rides and build your endurance.

  • Play Games.  
  • Play catch, frisbee or paddle-ball with the kids. 
  • Get a net at the sporting goods store and have a nightly game of volleyball in your back yard. 
  • Get a hula hoop and have a contest: who can keep it going longest?

  • Buy a pedometer and let every member of the family wear it for a day. Compare notes on how far each of you walked, and talk about how you can increase the number. Aim for 10,000 steps a day.

  • Go on a treasure hunt in your neighborhood. Team up and see which group finds the most items: leaves, a red door or other simple things kids can easily spot.

Squat and Plank Challenge

We are 1 month away from Summer. Time to kick it in gear. Join me for the next challenge - Squat and Plank!

Clean Eating Challenge

Clean up your diet in 5 weeks! via Chescaleigh